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Search results for rainy ambiances
Rain sounds really are stress relievers. You can calm down, relax, even if it's sunny outside. Close your eyes and think about sitting in the middle of the rain, maybe a heavy tropical one and let your thoughts rest.
Results: rain (17445 atmospheres)
by Prima Sola
0 votes
This rain sound ambiance uses a mix of
Fireplace, Thunder And Some Rain*, Cat Purring, Calm Fireplace, Distant Rolling Thunder, Distant Rolling Thunder, Heavy Rain and Blowing Wind sounds.
by Slade Wolfe
0 votes
This rain sound ambiance uses a mix of
Calm Fireplace, Creaking Door Slam, Room_Ambiance and Grandfather Clock Ticking sounds.
by hanae_bonbon
0 votes
This rain sound ambiance uses a mix of
Bamboo Chimes ¥, Wind Howling Nighttime Loop, Woman Humming, Fairy Bells, Creaky Door Closing, Creaky Windmill and Underwater Hotel sounds.